Saturday 7th August 2010
Saturday 7th August 2010
Thanks to Geoff Williams I managed to find a Greenshank (162) at Fishers Mill today. There has been 1or 2 in the area for the past few days but despite the efforts of friends I'd missed out up until now. I know there will be other opportunities to see this species before the autumn passage is over but 'Its in the bag' now anyway. No sign of yesterdays Ruff though. As usual plenty of habitat photos, which is good, 1. because I don't do Stunning and 2. because my blog has such an international appeal that I think its good that folks from far away places have an appreciation of the local environment that we in the West Midlands very often take for granted. The sand and gravel workings of the Tame valley, for example, have evolved over many years providing outstanding habitat for migrating waders in particular to rest and feed. Some of the best Nature reserves in the Midlands have arisen from former industrial sites, such as Coal mines and Quarries. Much of the more recently worked areas between Kingsbury and Tamworth have been taken over by the RSPB and will be known as Middleton lakes.
Popped in to Fishers Mill again briefly late Sunday afternoon and although there was no sign of any waders was lucky to watch a female/juv. Marsh Harrier. Jan and I watched the Harrier fly over the large mound next to the Water Ski place and then follow the course of the river North.
The Sparrowhawk is awesome. Great photo!