Monday 26th Sept. 2011
Having dipped the Long toed Stint at Weir reservoir in Sussex it was back to the local scene with a walk round Middleton Lakes today. Beautiful day with a few waders on the 'new reedbed pool' Maybe 10 Ringed plover, 3 Dunlin and a couple of Little Stints. Having carried my camera round the 'wetland' circuit I took a couple of shots of the waders knowing that the birds we too far away for any reasonable images but what the hell. Anyway after a quick look at Coton and Shustoke and adding only Little Egret,Wigeon and Pochard to the day list it was back home for a much needed cup of Tea. Knowing the insatiable appetite of my Blog followers for news, views and quality snaps I checked out the days images. The odd Fungi, a small Heath Butterfly, something flying by which might have been a Sparrowhawk and loads of shots of a Little Stint with olive green legs. Hum! I pondered. What if ? Better safe than sorry I contacted a few friends, with descriptions, concensus was Little Stint.