White cheeked Bulbul, fairly common throughout Kuwait

Out of Africa, a Little Crake and Marsh Sandpiper play chicken with a Nile Crocadile in an enclosure at Pivot Fields


Masked Shrike

Common Kestrel tangled in wire

Pekka, Bob and John free the bird and release it unharmed.

Less fortunate was this Bee eater, shot a few metres away from the group as we scanned a shoreline. Hunting is widespread in Kuwait and all species are targeted.

Ruppell's Weaver, Green Island, Kuwait City - regarded as an escape, still a stunning bird

Spiny tailed Lizard

Mud Skipper

The group taking a much needed Drinks/ice cream break.
Bit of a bits and bobs post really some images and a summing up of the tour. Thanks to Peter Lansdown and Pekka Fagel for navigating around Kuwait particularly Kuwait City and to the rest of the group for their good humour and contributions to the success of the tour.
A nice read Bob.I just got back from India and Lesvos over the last couple of weeks next stop is Algarve in a weeks time.