Saturday 26 January 2013

Last of the snow?

Friday 25th January 2013 My day usually begins watching birds fly past my bedroom window. Something is usually happening, either in the trees I can see or flying over. Today the interest was Starlings. At first light they start flying over in small groups varying in size from 5 to 20 birds but most about 12. They come in, presumably from their roost site, from the South East and congregate in the top of a very tall Poplar tree on the boundary between the houses and open countryside maybe 500 metres away. The whole process takes 10-15 minutes.There were 10 groups today, involving perhaps 150 birds. The next part of my birding day involved sheep. A friend of mine had noticed a bird getting up close and personal in a sheep pen at his farm. It was clearly a Dunnock but had few features such as a whitish chin and paler head than the other Dunnocks around the yard I took a few photos just in case. It was always going to be a funny looking Dunnock but if you dont check things out. Saturday 26th January 2013
Ice patterns on the car windscreen
The day began with the usual scrapping of the windscreen but not before I'd taken a photograph of the patterns the fast freezing moisture had created.It was arguably the most photo worthy image of the day as Brandon Marsh N.R.seemed quiet with even the array of cameras in the Carlton hide largely silent.
Another Dunnock

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