Tuesday 27th April 2010
As usual Caldecote was the first venue. The Wheatears were still around but more widely spread. With all the discussion of the various forms of Wagtail about this year I've added a couple of images taken today of a presumed female Yellow wagtail. I'd be interested to hear comments on this bird particularly anyone who saw the Draycote female blue headed wagtail. PS this is not the same bird I saw yesterday.
The Piccadilly spoil heaps were very quiet but I found some new paths to explore and some fragments of decent habitat.
Kingsbury was full of Black headed Gulls and little else although several Reed warblers were in fine voice. The walk to Fisher's Mill produced a good number of Garden warblers but relatively few Common Whitethroats. Fishers Mill pool was dominated by yet more Black headed gulls but at least there was a highlight in the form of a Cuckoo.
In the evening I tried again for Woodcock at Bentley woods. For the first time in many years I failed to see any but I usually leave it till May so perhaps its a bit too early this year.
Might just be the light but dosn't look like a bog standard female Yellow Wag to me. Quite a prominent cresent under the eye and face looks rather washed out, although underparts look rather bright for typical female BH Wag. Are you going for a record, 3 BH/channel Wags in as many weeks?