Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Garganey at Alvecote Pools

Yellow wagtail, Draycote Water

Yellow wagtail

Jay, Brandon Marsh

Redshank, Brandon Marsh

Redshank, Draycote Water

Wednesday 14th April 2010

There was a strong easterly blow when I got to Draycote Water. No other birders were around so I headed for Toft passing the paddocks of rough ground and hedges where the reported Whinchat might be hanging out. No luck, but several Yellow wagtails were seen on the grassy banks. The Little gulls which had also been reported were out in the middle with a large number of Black headed gulls. I walked back and on towards Rainbow corner where I met Bob Hazel who confirmed the Whinchat sighting. After a bit of a chat I moved on to the inlet. Bob had seen a very confiding Redshank so there was a photo opportunity not to be missed. Its a shame the water levels have to be so high with wader passage about to start I doubt many species would be as tolerant as the Redshank.
I dropped in at Brandon Marsh after a Coffee and a chat with the Van man on the A45. Not much doing but it had now warmed up as the heavy cloud had been blown away. Highlight of the visit was getting to grips with a pair of Jays. A bird I've struggled to photograph in the past. The other thing I've noticed about Brandon, is its increasing popularity with people of a certain age. It still has a way to go to rival Garden centres as somewhere to go and have a nice cup of tea afterwards but its getting there.
As I prepared to leave I picked up a strange message about flocks of birds falling out of the sky at Alvecote. If any one of the species was still there it was worth a go. So off we go and sets about scanning the various pools. On Teal pool were a pair of LRP and a Green Sandpiper but on Railway pool was a pair a Garganey(128), one of my favourite birds of the Spring.

Birds reported so far this year in Wawickshire now total - 152

1 comment:

  1. Nice yellow wag shots.. they still haven't arrived in Copenhagen but should be any day now!
