Sunday 2 May 2010

Ah so

Sunday 2nd May 2010

A non birding day, almost. When Steve Cawthray phoned me to say there was a Marsh Harrier at Fisher's Mill I had to adjust my route to Sutton slightly. Unfortunately by the time I got there the bird was only just visible over fields adjacent to the Drayton Bassett pits - in Staffordshire. I had the pleasure of watching it gain height and disappear to the North.
In my haste to get to Fishers mill I had the unique experience of finding the path along the wood just past the farm blocked by about 8 Chinese or Japanese tourists complete with Camcorders. I was going at my usual warp speed, twitching pace. Not knowing the Japanese for 'excuse me theres a Marsh Harrier I need to see', I could only think of the international warning 'Ding a Ling' as in bicycle bell, to avoid a collision and possible diplomatic incident. It only occured to me afterwards that I might have been shouting out someones name!
The only other vaguely interesting sight was following a Robin Reliant with a Tow-bar on the way home. What was that all about?

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